All patients taking time off work due to illness will need to self-certify for the first 7 days of their illness. Many employers have their own self-certification forms, but if your employer doesn’t have its own form you can complete a Self Certification Form online and print it off for your employer. You do not need a doctor to fill out the self-certification form.
Fit Notes will only be provided by a doctor after the 7th day of your illness.
If you have not seen a doctor at the practice and we have had no information from a medical professional about your illness, you will not be able to get a certificate without a consultation. Please book a routine triage appointment.
The Doctor will determine if you ‘are not fit for work’ or you may be ‘fit for work on restricted duties’ e.g. no heavy lifting. Please give as much information as possible to assist the Doctor with their decision.
If you have already seen a doctor/nurse at the practice regarding the problem (or we have received a letter from the hospital about your sickness) you may not need to speak to the doctor. Our reception team will be able to advise you about the best way to deal with your request.
If you are under the care of a hospital, your certificate may be issued by the hospital, rather than by the practice
You do not need a Fit Note or Doctor’s note to return to work after an illness.
If you are sick longer than the duration of your initial Fit Note you must contact us in order to obtain a continuation Fit Note. Continuation Fit Notes can only be issued on or after the end date of your previous Fit Note. They can be backdated but cannot be dated in advance.
You can return to work before the assigned end date of your fit note if you feel better, but you must discuss this with your employer.
Read more Guidance about Fit Notes.