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Self Help & Care

To keep your Asthma / COPD under control, it's important you see the nurse annually for a review.  If you experience problems do book in to see the nurse again, don't just leave it until your next review is due.  

There are some useful resources on-line that explain about the conditions and how to manage them.

Asthma + Lung UK - a great website with lots of advice and information to help you understand and manage your asthma. 

Healthhub Wales - self management apps to support people living with Asthma or COPD.   They also have a COVID Recovery app to support adults recovering from COVID-19.

How good is your inhaler technique? Check out these How to use your inhaler videos to see if you can improve.

Find out how lower carbon footprint inhalers can help the environment.

A range of Self Care courses are available through BCU.

These are run via Teams and in local community venues.  Courses include:

Cancer Courses
Carers Courses
Chronic Pain Courses
COPD Courses
Diabetes Courses
Living Well while Working Courses
Long COVID Courses
Mental Health Courses

View all available BCU Self Help Courses, both on-line and community.

Bowel Cancer UK - lots of information and support.

Breast Cancer Now - everything from information and support to the latest research.

Cancer Research UK - lots of information about the help and support available.

Marie Curie - provide frontline nursing and hospice care, a free support line and a wealth of information and support on all aspects of dying, death and bereavement.

North Wales Cancer Forum - bringing together information about cancer services in North Wales and the wide range of local sources of help and support for people affected by cancer. 

Prostate Cancer UK - very informative website where you can check your risk, read prostate information, and find support.

St Davids Hospice - providing specialist palliative care tailored to the needs of each patient.  All services are free of charge to their patients, their family and carers.

Teenage Cancer Trust - offering support to every young person facing cancer.

Wales Cancer Alliance - a directory of support services for cancer patients in Wales.

Wales Cancer Bio Bank - The Wales Cancer Biobank (WCB) approaches patients in Wales with known or suspected cancer to ask them to consent to donate biosamples and data for use in future cancer related research.

Young Lives vs Cancer - helping families find the strength to face everything cancer throws at them.





If you have an urgent dental problem such as toothache or an abscess you should see your dentist not a GP.

If you have a regular dentist you should telephone them and arrange an urgent appointment.  If they are closed there should be an answer phone message with the phone number of the local dentist covering emergencies.  If you have trouble getting through, or do not have a regular dentist, call NHS 111 WALES free on 111 NHS 111 Wales

Designed to Smile - is a national programme to improve the oral health of children in Wales.  It is funded by the Welsh Government and was launched in 2009.  All of the Designed to Smile services and all NHS dental treatments for children are FREE.  Lots of good practical advice for parents and carers.



If you have an urgent problem with your eyes, the best place to go is your local optician. 

They are the experts and have the right equipment for examining your eyes.  You don’t have to be registered with them to seek help, and most opticians are open on Saturdays.  If you have a problem that needs to be looked at urgently, it is free of charge.  Opticians that offer a free eye check can be found here.


Help with NHS costs

If you are entitled to NHS treatment and meet certain conditions you may get help with the costs of:

  • NHS dental treatment
  • sight tests
  • glasses and contact lenses
  • necessary travel to and from hospital for NHS treatment under the care of a hospital consultant

Find out if you are entitled to Help with NHS Costs via the Low Income Scheme.

myDesmond - the Leicester Diabetes Centre, part of the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, presents the online version of the award winning DESMOND self-management diabetes education, myDesmond.  
myDesmond brings together the content and research evidence from NICE approved face-to-face DESMOND self-management programmes to a portable interactive web-based platform to support you in managing your health.  This means you are getting the same quality but delivered at a pace adjusted to suit your needs.
All programmes use a variety of different formats, including short videos, articles and interactive activities on topics such as diet and lifestyle for you to view as quickly, or as slowly as you like.  With their myDesmond forums, you also maintain the community you would get with our face-to-face programmes.

X-PERT Health - an award winning diabetes education and weight loss programme to help adults prevent and self-manage diabetes.   X-PERT Health programmes are ideal for people who are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes or living with prediabetes, have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes (newly diagnosed or established), and anyone overweight or obese looking to lose weight and transform your health.
You can access their education simply by creating an account on-line.  Their programmes were co-created with patients to ensure they deliver a powerful, rewarding and enjoyable experience. Results have clinically demonstrated that the programmes help people lose weight, improve their HbA1c, reduce medications and place conditions such as pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes into remission.

Diabetes UK - lots of diabetes related information and resources.  

Sick Day Rules - everything you need to know about managing your diabetes when you are unwell.

Adferiad Recovery - 4 charities in Wales joined together in 2021 to become Adferiad Recovery. These were Adferiad recovery, CAIS, Hafal, and WCADA.  This new organisation provides support for vulnerable people in Wales and their families and carers, with a particular focus on people with mental health problems, substance misuse problems, and those with co-occurring and complex needs.

Alcohol Change UK - lots of information help and support if you're worried that you're drinking too much, with useful fact sheets to help you find out more about alcohol.

Alcoholics Anonymous - advice and support with several local groups.

DAN 24/7 Wales Drugs & Alcohol Helpline - support is available online or via a free Bilingual Drug and Alcohol Helpline.  Calls made to 0800 or 0808 phone numbers are free for all UK landline and mobile phones.  Dan 24/7 telephone number will NOT appear on your home itemised bill. 

Drinkaware - uderstanding the facts about how alcohol affects your mind and body can be the first step to increase your alcohol awareness and reduce your drinking.  Whether it's alcohol poisoning symptoms, how many units a week you should have or the impact on mental health; find all the facts you need here.

Drinkline - a free, confidential helpline for people who are concerned about their drinking, or someone else's. Call 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am–8pm, weekends 11am–4pm)

NHS Living & Feeling Well - advice, tips and tools for a healthy body and healthy mind.

Nacoa UK - providing information, advice and support for children and everyone affected by a parent’s drinking.

Read more about the Substance Misuse Service available to you locally.

GamCare - The National Gambling Treatment Service is a network of organisations working together to provide confidential treatment and support for anyone experiencing gambling-related harms, free to access across England Scotland and Wales.

Gamblers Anonymous - offers various aids for gamblers including a forum, a chat room, literature and a meeting finder.

BCUHB offers a range of free health and wellbeing courses for adults living with long term health conditions and carers in communities across North Wales.  These courses are for anyone who has symptoms for 6 months or more and amongst others include:

  • Cancer Courses
  • Carers Courses
  • Chronic Pain Courses
  • COPD Courses
  • Diabetes Courses
  • Long COVID Courses
  • Mental Health Courses


These courses will help you to:

  • Recognise and manage symptoms
  • Develop more effective relationships with those supporting you
  • Work in partnership with healthcare staff
  • Develop new skills and knowledge to improve your quality of life
  • Have more confidence

These courses help manage the effects of a long-term condition such as:

  • Managing symptoms of pain and tiredness
  • Dealing with anger, fear and frustration
  • Coping with stress, depression and low self-image
  • Eating healthily
  • Learning relaxation techniques and taking regular exercise
  • Improved communication with family, friends and health professionals
  • Planning for the future

How are the courses run?
Courses are led by two trained tutors, who themselves have experience of making life changes as a result of a long-term health condition.  The majority of EPP Cymru tutors are volunteers. EPP Cymru courses are run in suitable venues in local communities and are free of charge.  Some courses last one day, others can be a few sessions a week for a number of weeks depending on the subject.

What can be learnt at an EPP course?
The courses do not provide any health condition or treatment information, nor do they look at specific health needs.  The aim of our EPP Cymru courses is to give participants the confidence to take responsibility for their own care, whilst also encouraging them to work in partnership with health and social care professionals.
What makes EPP Cymru special is the sharing of skills and experience with people who have to deal with the same things as each other.


Some of these are one day courses, some are one day pre-courses in preparation for one of the above EPP courses, and some are a six week course which is a 2½ hour session each week.

More information can be found here.

C.A.L.L. Mental Health Helpline for Wales - a community advice & listening line offering a confidential listening & support service.  

NHS 111 Mental Health Support - there is now a dedicated NHS phone line providing expert mental health support for people living in North Wales.  If you are concerned about your own mental health or that of a loved one you are encouraged to call 111 and select option 2, where you will be put through to one of the health board’s dedicated wellbeing practitioners. The number is free to call from a landline or mobile, even when the caller has no credit left, and is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 

Mind - provide advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem, and campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

iCan - a local service for advice and support about various issues affecting your mental well-being like…

  • Relationship breakdowns
  • Employment difficulties
  • Social anxiety
  • Grief
  • Money worries
  • Loneliness

    From 6th April 2023 iCAN are holding drop-in sessions at Beaumaris Library 9.30am - 12pm.  Anyone can go along & speak to an iCAN Connector. No appointment is needed. They offer listening and emotional support, either face to face or by video call, and can help find self-help resources and further support as needed. 

Mental Health Wales  -  this site offers useful links together with a library of information for individuals living with mental illness, their families, and carers. 

Veterans Wales - specialised, priority service for individuals who have served in the armed forces at any time in their lives and are experiencing mental health difficulties related specifically to their military service.  Your local branch is in Llanfairfechan and can be contacted on 03000 857964.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAHMS) - help children and young people from birth to 18 years who experience emotional, behavioural and other psychological difficulties, including support for their families.  Examples of issues include: anxiety, fear and panic, low mood, sadness and depression, feeling lonely, grief after bereavement or loss, anger, separation, bullying, family difficulties, eating less than usual or overeating, thoughts of suicide or self-harming.  Working with young people are Practitioners, Nurses, Child Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists and other professionals.  A request can be made by your doctor or any professional working with children, young people and families e.g. schools, social services, health visitors. The child or young person must be between 0 and 18 years and whose permanent address is normally in North Wales.

PTSD UK  - caring for someone with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be difficult and stressful. Your own mental health may slip further down your list of priorities, but it is vital to look after yourself in order to provide care and support.

In a life threatening situation, please call 999 or attend your nearest Emergency Department (A&E).   

Local Groups & Support

Little Steps Parent & Child Group - held at St Mary's Church, Menai Bridge every Tuesday during term-time from 9am to 11am.  Free refreshments, and a Health Visitor is always present to give advice and support.  


On-line Resources

Hope House Children's Hospice (Ty Gobaith) - provide care for children who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening condition and support for their family. Read more about the Services offered by Hope House.

in our place (Solihull Approach)- a gateway into online courses for you as a parent, grandparent or carer, courses that aim to support you in the most difficult job in the world!  There are a range of online courses from the antenatal period through to 19+ years of age. All courses are currently FREE in Wales and include Understanding your babyUnderstanding your childParenting Support.

Healthy Start Scheme - if you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk under this NHS scheme. Families can also receive free vitamin supplements through the scheme. 

Parent Talk - down-to-earth parenting advice you can trust.  Find answers to parenting questions in their advice articles, or talk to a parenting coach about anything that’s worrying you.  It’s all free, and no topic is too big, small, or embarrassing.

This is an in-work support service that provides free wellbeing support for employed and self-employed people in North, West and South West Wales. 

Prolonged stress or anxiety can leave us less able to cope with pressure and demands at work, affect our relationships with colleagues, and impact our decision-making. Mental health problems can also result in physical symptoms, such as headaches or back pain. Sickness absence can quickly take its toll, with financial worries often adding to health issues.

The In Work Support Service offers free and rapid access to confidential support and therapies including counselling, CBT and physiotherapy, to help you get back up and running. Their professional, one-to-one support can help you manage stress and build resilience, reduce anxiety, improve your physical health and make positive changes at work.

In Work Support is available free of charge across Wales for employees of micro, small and medium sized businesses (SMEs), funded through Welsh Government. 

All support is offered over the phone, Zoom, or face-to-face and you can self refer via the link on the RCS Wellbeing for Work website.

Deaf Blind Cymru - provide practical help, emotional support, help with technology, information, and advice.     They also offer "I'm deafblind" cards which can be used to help you communicate with others.  There is space on the back for you to write how you prefer to communicate or how others can help you.  Keep this card with you and show it to your bus driver, shop assistant, nurse, or anyone who needs to know that you have sight and hearing loss.   Order you free "I'm deafblind" card.

Look UK - supporting young visually impaired people and their families through mentoring, transformational events, youth forums and parent support groups.  

National Deaf Children's Society -  information and support to help deaf children and their parents make informed choices about their lives.  

North Wales Society of the Blind - provide practical and emotional support to sight impaired and severely sight impaired people throughout North Wales.  They work with blind and partially sighted people of all ages to promote independence, choice and confidence.  Find Local NWSB Clubs & Groups.

Wales Council for Deaf People  - an umbrella association of organisations both voluntary and statutory working in the field of hearing loss and representing people who are Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and Deafblind.

Veterans Wales offer psychological therapy to veterans, reservists and serving personnel awaiting discharge (with a set date of discharge) who have a mental health problem directly related to their military service. This may include trauma symptoms related to active service.  They will see veterans with issues related to bullying or assault within the military, veterans who have difficulties related to RTA’s or work place or training accidents related to their role within the military, veterans who were unwillingly discharged from the military and find civilian life deeply unsatisfying and have become depressed, as well as non-UK veterans if they served in ‘coalition’ armed forces.

You can self refer to this service by completing a Veteran Referral Form. You do not need to see a GP.

To find out further information visit the Veterans Wales website.  

Veterans Wales are unable to respond to crisis calls. 
If you require urgent help or support please contact your GP, NHS 111 Wales, or attend your local Accident & Emergency Unit.
In the case of an emergency call 999.



Domestic Abuse Safety Unit (DASU) - offering 24/7 refuge accommodation for women and men, with or without children.  They have staff on site to offer in depth emotional and practical support as well as guidance through challenging and difficult times. Emergency & crisis support is also available. 

Hafan Cymru - supporting people who find themselves in situations that mean they can’t or don’t know how to live safely.

Live Fear Free - if you, a family member, a friend, or someone you are concerned about  has experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence, you can contact the Live Fear Free Helpline 24 hours a day 7 days a week, for free advice and support or to talk through your options.   Visit their website, call free on 0800 80 10 800, or Text 07860077333.

Rape & Sexual abuse Centre North Wales - providing information, specialist support and therapy to anyone aged 3 and over who has experienced any kind of sexual abuse or violence either recently or in the past.  They also provide specialist support and therapy to partners and family members of those who have been affected by sexual abuse and violence.

We offer the choice of male or female workers as well as the service in Welsh or English.

Relate Cymru - if you have been abusive within a relationship and would like help to change your behaviour you may find their Choose2Change programme useful.

Respect phoneline - offering help and support to male and female victims of domestic abuse.  Also providing help for perpetrators, and supporting them in how to become safe around their partner and children.

If at any time you are in danger, or you fear for your safety or the safety of someone else, always contact Police on 999.
